Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Interaction 1: DPS

Interaction 1: Students of Class 11 at Delhi Public School, Bangalore North.
Date: 2 August 2010
Duration: 40 mins
Number of Students: 15

Introduced myself and the project.
Divided the class into 2 groups.
Gave them a list of words to choose from. I let each student pick their own word, rather than me assigning one.
The words were all related to school and learning in some way. Some were tangible like books, lectures, teachers etc. Others were more open concepts like partiality, success, freedom, pressure etc.
It was nice to see a mix of words being picked - with immediate associations to the word as they were selecting itself.
I asked them to assign an emotion/ feeling to their word - positive or negative. Then after a brief general discussion, a question-answer session about these words, I asked them to jot down an experience when they felt that way in school or to illustrate the word they picked.
I asked them to plot all their 'chosen' experiences on a timeline as a group - and visually illustrate this on a separate sheet. I had to explain what a timeline was, and constantly coax them to draw. One girl (her word was competition) even asked me "Can I paint the picture that I made me win the 1st prize?"
I told them to keep in mind factors like location, who all were present, mood of the experience etc. The illustrations were crude, but they were able to construct simple sketches of their experiences.

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